17 กุมภาพันธ์ 2566

Mikrotik container + adguard + uptime kuma

Mikrotik  v7.7

adguardhome after this version have an error
/system/device-mode/update container=yes

/container config
set registry-url=https://registry-1.docker.io

/interface bridge
add name=Docker

/ip address
add address= interface=Docker

/ip firewall nat
add chain=srcnat src-address= action=masquerade

/interface veth
add address= gateway= name=veth-adguard

/interface bridge port
add bridge=Docker interface=veth-adguard

add interface=veth-adguard remote-image=adguard/adguardhome:v0.107.23 start-on-boot=yes logging=yes

/interface veth
add address= gateway= name=veth-uptimekuma

/interface bridge port
add bridge=Docker interface=veth-uptimekuma

/container mounts
add dst=/app/data name=uptimekuma src=/kuma_data

add interface=veth-uptimekuma mounts=uptimekuma remote-image=louislam/uptime-kuma start-on-boot=yes logging=yes

sftp to remove kuma_data/.type after first start